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Early Life

Paddy was born at home in Beaumont Street part of the notorious Noble St Flats in Newcastle's West End on 23rd April 1960 to Peggy and Leonard Conroy. He was 4th oldest of eight children.

In 1963, Peggy and Leonard were involved in a bitter argument at Newcastle's Central Station. She was begging Leonard not to get on the London bound train. She grabbed him which ripped his jacket and ran off with it. It had his money, passport and train ticket. Paddy, who was three at the time, watched as the train pulled away.

When Paddy was five years old he went to school in Cruddas Park, again in Newcastle's West End. At the time Cruddas Park was known for its poor community as it was one, if not THE, cheapest places to live. Paddy didn't bother going to school much, the only time he did go was to steal the coal from the boiler room cellar. During the 1970s, Newcastle was plunged into an industrial action and minors strikes which resulted into homes being cut into darkness. The coal Paddy had retrieved from school, kept them in light.  Both Paddy's grandfathers were Sergeant Majors in the Army. 

His family dynamics differ on each side of his tree. His mother's family, were law-abiding citizens who never put a foot out of place. Whereas, his father's family, who were from County Mayo, Ireland, were extremely hard who wouldnt take any shit from anybody.

The first legal job Paddy had was in 1976 was gutting animals intestines which was used for the skins of the s in Whitehouse Road Abattoir in Scotswood. He could only stomach the rancid smell for 2 weeks, when he was offered another job; During 1977/80; Unofficial Doorman 

at the 69 Club. Which was located on the West Road in Fenham, opposite the General Hospital. He got that job through his dad, who used to drink there with Paddy Leonard and Billy Robinson who were the security there. Paddy's dad would often go inside and drink with Paddy L & Billy and ask a young Paddy to mind the doors. A few years later he 

ended up working for them as a proper doorman at their other night club  Wheelers in Gateshead. So, seeing as Paddy only worked during the nights, he was free to roam during the day. His, then, partner, Maureen, was also bringing in an income. She was working as a babysitter. To be able to pay the bills, Paddy took on a couple of casual part time jobs. Such as, a builder and a glazier at Clayton St Factory on West Road. At the time he was holding down around 4 jobs but the police started to get him sacked from places in the mid 80s and that's when he turned to crime as an adult.


About Paddy




Due to the police being involved in the family, they got him sacked from all the job he applied for. His first minor crime was robbing from the shop next door to the 69 Club, seeing as that was the only way he could survive without a job.

In 1995, he was arrested and charged for the kidnap & torture of Brian Cockerill 

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